Creating a payout

To interact with the API, use the Unitpay PHP-SDK library

Required parameters:

Additional parameters:

If you need to check the status of a payment after creating it, use the "Information about Payout"

IMPORTANT NOTE: always use a unique transactionId for new payouts; when you get an existing transactionId (regardless of other parameters), the current payout status is returned

You can run the query in test mode. Learn more

Successful response

{"result": {
    "message": "Выплата успешно проведена",
    "status": "success",
    "payoutId": "114233",
    "partnerBalance": "15733.00",
    "createDate": "2021-12-01 11:51:02",
    "completeDate": "2021-12-01 11:52:02",
    "sum": "300",
    "payoutCommission": "6.00",
    "partnerCommission": "0.00"

Error response


Technical errors:

Last updated